2nd Annual Valentine Tea Dance -2024
The Cordova Bay United Church CBUC) and For the Love of Africa (FTLOA) combined their efforts to raise funds for the ongoing work of FTLOA in TANZANIA and CBUC’S Outreach work. Last years event was a great success and so much FUN, they decided to do it again.

Happy Attendees

A view of the room

The finance fellows
100% of your donations go directly to support our projects. This link will take you to our donations page https://fortheloveofafrica.ca/ways-to-give/. A tax receipt is offered for all donations over $20. You can donate directly through our website, send an e-transfer to treasurer@fortheloveofafrica.ca or by cheque to For the Love of Africa c/o 813 Claremont Ave., Victoria V8Y 1J9.
We are grateful for your continued support in these difficult times. Asante Sana! (Thanks a lot) from our partners in Tanzania, CBUC and all our volunteers here on Vancouver Island.
KMS Tools – Smokey Fundraiser
KMS Tools is a very community minded and BC owned company. Their Smokey Days program helps local charities and organizations raise funds. And at the same time, KMS shows appreciation to its customers.
During their monthly sales and other special events, KMS supplies a nonprofit organization with all equipment and food supplies for the Smokie Days fundraiser. For the Love of Africa has been delighted to be a partner with KMS since 2018, providing volunteers who cook and serve the Smokies.
A very special thank you to KMS for this opportunity and to KMS customers for your generous support!
Valentine Tea Dance 2023
For the Love of Africa hosted it’s first in-person event in a couple of years. This was a great success. Hosted at the Cordova Bay United Church with volunteers from both FTLOA and CBUC.