How We Help
By building schools, because education is the key investment that benefits individuals and their communities.
Supporting infrastructure for healthy living, because the well-being of communities is a reflection of the health and welfare of mother-and-child.
Training for entrepreneurs, micro-financing, and investments in food security, because we care about an equitable, safe and sustainable world.
Facilitating female-focused and female-driven initiatives, because, “there is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.” (Swami Vivekananda)
Safe Places to Learn
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela
Now Completed
The Nkuhungu Community Medical Dispensary and Clinic is a non-profit medical facility in an impoverished area of Dodoma. We are now working on the outdoor washrooms and medical waste incinerator.
The initial stage of the complex renovation was to address critical structural enhancements pertaining to the roof. This phase encompassed the complete removal of the old roof and the need to elevate the building walls to accommodate the new roof. These improvements ensured the long-term viability of the facility while safeguarding its users. Once this was completed they moved on to updating the electrical wiring, installing new ceiling boards using gypsum boards, and laying new floor tiles. The final phase of this portion of the renovation was This created a safer, more comfortable, and efficient environment for both patients and staff. The final step was visual revitalization of the dispensary. The walls and ceiling were painted with colours that would exude warmth and vibrancy. The exterior façade was given a facelift to enhance the dispensary’s overall curb appeal. This not only uplifted the dispensary’s aesthetics but also served a practical purpose to protect the walls and ceiling from wear and tear and to maintain a hygienic facility.
Memo of Appreciation from the Nkyhungu Clinic:
“We continue to extend our heartfelt gratitude to For The Love Of Africa Society (FTLOA) for your generous funding and unwavering support throughout Phase 2 of the Nkuhungu Community Medical Dispensary renovation project. Your contribution has directly impacted the lives of patients and healthcare providers at the medical dispensary, creating a lasting positive change for the community.”
Newly renovated patient exam rooms.
Completed Projects
Ndachi Security Fence
In 2019, a team traveled to the community of Ndachi, Tanzania to help with some finishing work for the Nehemia Nursery Primary School. Since our visit the Tanzanian Government regulations have been updated to include the need for a permanent security fence for the safety of the students and the protection of the school property.
The School was registered on 18th December 2021 and the Certificate was issued on 18/1/2022. The registration has been attained with the support of FTLOA who funded the necessary infrastructure, including classrooms, administration block and temporary fence. The Education Quality Authority has issued the Certificate with the expectation that a permanent fence will be erected to enhance the safety of children and the school infrastructures and properties within one year. The Ndachi Community provided the labour and FTLOA funded the materials.
St. Barnabus Pre-Primary School in Chigongwe
FTLOA has funded the construction of a pre-primary school in the village of Chigongwe.
Children enjoying their new desks.
These children will qualify to attend a government school. School is life-changing for these children.
Imarika Pre and Primary School Project
This project is located in the Iyumbu ward, within the Dodoma Urban district, located near the University of Dodoma. The community is extremely poor and opportunities are very limited for the children and youth. The majority of the population, approximately 8,000 people, cannot read or write.
The school site is 3.3 acres in size, with access to Municipal water, septic system and electricity. The Project is to be phased over the next several years and the Society has committed itself to support Phase 1, the construction of three classrooms, an administration building as well as washroom facilities for students and staff.
In February 2020, the For the Love of Africa Society membership approved to financially support the Imarika Investment Group for the construction of Phase 1 of the Imarika Pre and Primary School. The dream of the Imarika Investment Group is to provide quality Pre and Primary education.
The school project has been completed.
Education For All in Nashipay
Since the 1970s the Government has been moving Maasai families from their traditional grazing lands to accommodate tourism infrastructure. Now they struggle to pasture their cattle and goats and grow corn on lands where there is barely enough water. Many children grow up in families living on less than $1.50 a day. Food, clothing and education are luxuries that are often not available.
The vision of the Maasai Elders is a school to give all their children a promising start in life with an education, Kindergarten to Grade 7. Operating a school with qualified teachers, with electricity and with a lunch program costs more money than the village can afford even though tuition is only $250 per child per year. Unfortunately this small amount is beyond the grasp of most families in the community.
For the Love of Africa Society worked with the Nashipay Maasai School to help the Council of Elders realize their vision and encourage children and their families to adapt to life in modern Tanzania. With the generous support of our donors the children in the community will grow up with a solid foundation. With this support we were able to help to make education a reality for all children, not just those whose families could afford to pay fees. 100% of your donations supported the Nashipay Maasai School.
Ndachi Elementary School Project
Update 2021
Due to changes made by the Tanzanian Department of Education’s requirement to register a school, it was reported to FTLOA that the school required an administration building and a security fence for the safety of the students. Therefore an Amended Agency Agreement was executed and funds delivered to the Ndachi School Building Committee for the completion of these projects to bring the school up to the standard required to have the school registered. The infrastructure has been completed and the fence is in the process of being constructed. FTLOA is pleased to have assisted Ndachi School to ensure that is can be registered as a Kindergarten School.
The community of Ndachi is very poor, and the classrooms they had begun remained unfinished due to lack of funds. However, with the help and support of FTLOA they were able to complete three classrooms and the washroom facilities.
Dodoma Technical Institute (DTI)
Dodoma Technical Institute, located in the village of Nala, approximately 15 Km outside the city of Dodoma, TZ.
In 2013 FTLOA signed the first Agency Agreement with Teknolojia na Maendeleo CBO (Community Based Organization) to facilitate the purchase of land where the Dodoma Technical Institute would be constructed. This CBO held many meetings with local officials and residents of the village of Nala to receive their input.
In 2014 further agreements implemented for the purpose of preparation of site plans, preparation of architectural/engineering plans for the first Phase of buildings to be constructed that may include but not be limited to the Administration Block, Washroom Facilities, Classrooms and Workshops. Also Teknlojia na Maendeleo CBO committed itself to proceed with the planning of the Dodoma Technical Institute regarding site preparation, architectural plans for the various required structures, cost estimates for the site infrastructure, the construction of the facilities as well as equipment needs for the facilities and to secure a suitable water supply for the Dodoma technical Institute. When a suitable water supply had been located, FTLOA then funded drilling the bore hole and testing to ensure the quality of water was good, purchasing the submersible pump, solar power for running the pump, water tank installation. Additional funding was provided for clearing the site and construction of road access.
In 2015 construction of the first building, a 4 classroom facility, began, and registration criteria for Dodoma Technical Institute were researched, as well as curriculum for proposed courses to be offered upon completion of the Institute. It was decided that the first courses to be offered would be Tailoring and Masonry. To accommodate this a Masonry Program shed and storage area for tools was constructed.
In October 2015 a team from FTLOA travelled to Tanzania to visit the site and oversee the completion of the building. The team also worked with the local tradesmen to assist with painting the inside and outside of the building.
January 2017 Dodoma Technical Institute Limited (DTI) opened for class registration. DTI provides young people with technical skills and training, to assist them to secure employment in Tanzania and become productive members of the community. Due to the location of DTI, most of the first year students lived in the village of Nala and could easily walk or ride their bike to attend. Annual tuition for the Tailoring Class was set at 350,000 Tshs (approximately $200 CDN) and Masonry at 600,000 Tshs (approximately $350 CDN). Both of these courses are two year programs.
October 2017 an official Grand Opening for DTI was attended by members of FTLOA who were visiting Tanzania at that time. FTLOA members were excited to meet the students, teachers and TZ officials who were in attendance.
Further ways to help:
There are still many needs, including the addition of new programs and provision for bursaries and accommodation for students unable to attend through lack of transport or a place to live. Where transport is available, it is not affordable for the students. There is a Bursary Fund which continues to accept donations from those wishing to support technical education in Tanzania. 100% of your donation will go directly to DTI to assist young people to obtain a technical skill that allows them to either obtain employment or start their own business. You are opening a door that may not otherwise open for them.
Ipagala School and Demonstration Garden
2012 and 2017
This project was the completion of construction of an elementary school in 2012 and a wall (2017) to ensure the safety of the children. A FTLOA Society team traveled in both years to assist. The school accommodates 400 children and is a safe, nurturing and professional environment in which to learn; the children are also provided with a meal each day.
The Patsy Irving Memorial Garden) – 2017
The Demonstration Garden was implemented by Team Tanzania 2017 while they were working on the Security Fence for the Ipagala School Project.
The vegetable garden was to engage the children attending the Ipagala School in growing some vegetables for their lunch program. The site is located within the school compound and an area of approximately 150 square metres (1,600 sq. ft.) was made available for demonstration purposes. Teachers were instructed on the principals of good gardening as well as the design principles of the irrigation system.
The demonstration site involved teaching the children proper planning and layout of the vegetable beds; soil preparation -type and quality of soils to use; nutritional requirements of soil prior to planting – incorporation of organic materials and animal wastes; selecting vegetables suitable for the school meal program and planting seeds or young plants from nurseries. Once the planting was done the students learned to tend and maintain the garden plot by weeding when necessary, adding soil nutrients when appropriate, monitoring disease and bug issues and when to harvest the crops. The student were taught to incorporate plant residues after harvesting to increase organic content in the soils and to keep good records on all aspects of their garden.
FTLOA demonstrated a highly efficient and automatic drip irrigation system that incorporates the most up-to-date irrigation technology to optimize water use and allow for year-round vegetable production.
During our Team Tanzania 2019 trip to Dodoma we visited Ipagal and the Garden and we found they were successful in continuing with the garden.
Kizota Nursery School
2004 – 2008
In 2004, a Cordova Bay group was invited by, Dr. Wilson and Usuili Mtebe, to help build a school in Dodoma, Tanzania. It was their vision to promote education.
Kizota was the Society’s first project, and one that provided a firm foundation of trust, friendship, respect and a sharing of cultures. It opened the door for future projects where, with the generosity of donors, FTLOA – For the Love of Africa, endeavours to help others to help themselves.
A large construction team was formed to join with the Kizota community to build a Pre/Primary school. For two weeks, our team worked with the Kizota community, each sharing their talents, energy and camaraderie. Most chose to help with the classroom construction, others worked with the children, while some helped the women prepare meals in the open-air kitchen.
We were introduced to staple dishes of the region, such as ugali (a type of maize flour porridge), fish, rice and kachumbari (a vegetable mix). It is important to recognize the contributions of the women in this culture, who are often the silent backbone of the community and who work hard to give their children a chance to be educated.
The reward for those of us who chose to return to Dodoma was to see the students of 2004 become leaders in their own community. The painted numbers and letters on the school façade had received a fresh coat of paint. Flower and vegetable gardens had been planted nearby. The Kizota school is still thriving, with active groups of parents and teachers, who inspire a lively body of students achieve their dreams.
One of FTLOA’s main aims is to provide ‘seed money’, so that our projects are sustainable, and to know when to step back, thus giving the community the opportunity to pool their efforts and continue working to fulfill their vision.
Many of the children who benefit from this school have been affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. A 4-classroom school, dining hall and office/administration building were constructed with the hands-on help of FTLOA team members.
In 2005 and 2006, FTLOA teams assisted in the construction of a wall around the school compound, to provide security, and an opportunity to grow food crops and to keep out local animals.
Nkuhungu Primary School -2012
The Nkuhungu Community group asked us to assist them in converting their existing 2-room school into a 4-room school. This was an extremely successful project with the Society’s 14-member Team Tanzania in the fall of 2012. The facilities are used for educating young children and in the evenings for students that want to gain computer skills. The school sustains its operation through the support of Compassionate International, children get financial support to attend the school. This community’s children are getting an education which will give them opportunities to move forward. Since the Society’s initial support in 2012, the school has been expanded and now has a total of 11 classrooms.
The Team was not only involved in the official opening of the school but also in the Official Opening of the Nkuhungu Medical Dispensary. The ceremonial event was grandiose with close to 1,000 people in attendance and the most amazing thing was that everyone got fed. The acknowledgement of the Team and the Society for providing the funds and assistance to get the school operational but also assist with the establishment of the Clinic was so rewarding and heartwarming to the all the Team members.
We still maintain a close relationships with the Nkuhungu Community group and the Nkuhungu Medical Clinic.
-Erich Shultz
St. Andrew’s School
A FTLOA team of sixteen traveled to Dodoma in 2011 to assist in the construction of a new 3-classroom school using concrete building blocks, helping local workers and volunteers. The school is designed to accommodate 85 children for their kindergarten program, ages 3-6 years-old. A tutorial program is held after school hours for older children requiring help with their schooling. Another 279 children attend tutoring on Saturdays. It is also used to teach vocational courses in the evenings.
Galilaya Centre 2009 – 2011
In May of 2008 a group of 5 youths came together and decided they wanted to make a difference in the lives of children in Tanzania. After many group discussions, they decided to build a centre for children who had been orphaned by HIV Aids. The location was Galilaya, an extremely poor municipality on the outskirts of Dodoma, the capital of Tanzania. Following many successful fundraising events, $35,000 was raised.
From one of the adults accompanying this group -“It was unbelievable to watch these very privileged teenagers dive into a huge undertaking – turning a plot of hard pan soil into the foundations for the soon-to-be Galilaya Centre for Children. Who needs experience?”
The Victoria Team along with local teens soon melded into a hard-working, hilarious and joyous group of ditch diggers, singing, laughing and joking as if they were friends forever.
This group of young adults had their eyes opened. They never imagined they could make such a difference in the lives of so many children. They also never imagined how this experience would affect their own futures.
The centre provides a day facility for 144 children, of whom 52 are orphans (many because of HIV/Aids), and 92 are vulnerable children. All children are taken into local homes overnight.
Team Tanzania 2019 visit
Healthy Families
Days for Girls
Girls often have to remain at home during menstruation due to the lack of available hygiene pads. To help address this issue, the FTLOA Society has become a licensee of Days For Girls International (DFGI). DFGI is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide every girl and woman in need with access to quality sustainable feminine hygiene and health education. DFGI believes that lack of access to feminine hygiene tools and education can be a significant barrier to education, work, and opportunity for women.
The FTLOA-DFG concept has developed a Social Enterprise comprising unemployed women, for the manufacture and sale of DFGI-branded washable and re-usable menstrual pads. Kits are sold to non-profits and distributed free of charge to girls and women living in communities surrounding the capital city, Dodoma. Your donation will buy supplies to employ women and provide kits, which, in turn, will keep hundreds of girls in school and women at work.
Completed Projects
Makuyuni Goats for Kids
Every day, Maasai children across the Makuyuni area in Tanzania turn up for school on an empty stomach, and this makes it hard to focus on lessons. Having food at Nashipay school every day can mean not only better nutrition and health, but also increased access to and achievement in education. It is also a strong incentive to consistently send children to school. However, this doesn’t help children who are under school age or the remainder of the family. The reality is that 85% of the population gets up and goes to bed hungry most days. To help alleviate this challenge, the Maasai Council of Elders has requested that we broaden and extend this program to purchase Maasai goats for the community. This smaller, hardy breed provides milk for the family, and do not need supplemental feed or medicines; they are fully adapted to the extreme, arid climate in which they live. Your donation will buy goats and improve the food security of families in the village of Makuyuni where Nashipay Maasai School is located. Further, a nourished child is better able to complete his or her family chores which include caring for livestock, preparing food and caring for younger children.
Makuyuni Community Water Project
There is a general lack of safe potable water. Dams capture seasonal rains but the water is not potable, and wildlife causes considerable damage to pipelines and dam embankments. Consequently, the Maasai women and children often walk long distances to fetch water.
The Nashipay Maasai School also needs water for basic hygiene, and the future construction of dormitories will require a dependable source of water. To improve access to clean water for the children at the Nashipay Maasai School and their families in the Makuyuni boma, the solution was to drill a borehole.
The borehole is producing a flow of 2,940 litres per hour and is powered by solar panels.
The beneficiaries include the broader Maasai community of around three thousand (3,000) people in Makuyuni, who can now access water for domestic use. There is potential for permaculture, livestock and agricultural projects, all of which can ease nutritional and economic burdens.
Mama Power
Mothers, affectionately known as Mamas, who live in the boma (village) of Makyuni are struggling to feed their families on less than $2.00 per day. And this struggle is happening in the midst of adapting to the realities of climate change and shifts from a pastoral to a more sedentary life. Learning to create and operate a small business offers a sustainable way for these mamas to earn money; money they need to ensure their kids have food to eat and can afford the fees to go to school.
Mama Power is a project of FTLOA which supported educating Maasai women to teach and mentor Mamas from concept to startup of their own micro business. Mama Power also includes a small seed fund to encourage and support the startup process.
Your donations helped to ensure these women have the knowledge and skills to feed their kids and send them to school.
Ashe (thank you in the Maa language)
Train the Trainers, Makuyuni boma
2018 – CAD $250
A small project that makes a big difference! A small team of FTLOA volunteers spent a few days exclusively with the Mamas of Makuyuni to share the basics of entrepreneurship. We brought a woman from a distant village to teach the women how to make beads from paper, so they could have a sustainable, less expensive source of materials for creating the beautiful beaded jewelry for which they are renown.